
1.  What is the ultimate source of energy in most ecosystems?

A. water
B. the sun
C. fusion
D. prey


4.  When a lion kills a zebra, the lion is the _____ , and the zebra is the ________ .

A. predator; prey
B. scavenger; parasite
C. prey; predator
D. parasite; scavenger


2. In a food chain, any organism that is not a producer is a(n) ________.

A. omnivore
B. carnivore
C. consumer
D. decomposer


5. (True or False) Most living organisms have some type of parasite.

A. True
B. False


3. During the winter, the fur of the snowshoe hare is all white, helping it blend in with its snowy background. This is an example of

A. competition
B. camouflage
C. warning coloration
D. mimicry

6. (True or False) Male lions do most of the hunting for their pride.

A. True
B. False


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