
1.  Animals that maintain a relatively constant body temperature are

A. exothermic
B. endothermic
C. ectothermic
D. hypothermic

4.  The shark and the ray are examples of ________ fish.

A. bony
B. jawless
C. poisonous
D. cartilaginous


2. (True or False) Almost 25% of all animals are vertebrates.

A. True
B. False

5. (True or False) Amphibians are the only vertebrates that undergo metamorphosis

A. True
B. False


3. An animal that eats only plants is a(n)

A. herbivore
B. carnivore
C. omnivore
D. none of these

6. Which is NOT a reptile?

A. snake
B. crocodile
C. salamander
D. turtle


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