
1.  Diffusion and osmosis are examples of ____________ transport.

A. reverse
B. active
C. passive 
D. selectively permeable

4.  Which disposes of worn-out cell parts?

A. atoms

B. mitochondria
C. lysosomes
D. nucleus

2.  Which one manufactures proteins?

A. lysosomes
B. mitochondria
C. ribosomes
D. nucleus

5.  A cell whose genetic material is surrounded by a membrane is ___________.

A. cytoplasmic
B. hydrophilic
C. eukaryotic
D. prokaryotic


3.  Which one contains the cell’s genetic information?

A. mitochondria
B. amino acids
C. nucleus
D. lipids

6.  Which of these is not made of eukaryotic cells?

A. plants
B. algae
C. bacteria
D. humans

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