
1.  An invertebrate is an animal that does not have a(n)

A. skeleton
B.  muscular system
C. backbone
D. exoskeleton

4.  The bristles that aid in earthworm movement are called 

A. directional hair
B. stamen
C. setae
D. cilla


2.  What important process takes place in the gastrovascular cavity?

A. water elimination
B. storage of food
C. digestion
D. evaporation

5.  (True or False) Insects have a closed circulatory system.

A. True
B. False


3. (True or False) Earthworms are hermaphroditic.

A. True
B. False

6. How many legs does an insect have?

A. 2 legs
B. 6 legs
C. 8 legs
D. 100 legs

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