
1.  Ferns’ spores are produced in special structures called

A. capsules
B. fronds
C. fiddleheads
D. sori

4.  The flower’s male reproductive structure

A. anthers
B. stamen
C. anthers
D. stigma


2.  Mosses are attached to the ground by rootlike structures called

A. rhizoids
B. horsetails
C. fronds
D. rhizomes

5.  A fruit is

A. the area in which an embryo develops
B. a mature ovary with seeds
C. a storage area for pollen
D. the site of pollination



3.  The flower’s female reproductive structure

A. anthers
B. pistil
C. stigma
D. stamen

6.  (True or False) Mosses, liverworts, and hornworts are all nonvascular plants.

A. True
B. False

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