
 1. It occurs whenever an object speeds up, slows down, or changes direction

A. acceleration
B. friction
C. momentum
D. velocity

2. When one object exerts a force on another object, the second object reacts by exerting an equal force back on the first object.

A. Newton’s 1st Law
B. Newton’s 2nd Law
C. Newton’s 3rd Law
D. The Law of Inertia

4. A force that keeps objects from moving against other objects

A. speed
B. friction
C. momentum
D. brakes

3.  An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same direction and speed.

A. Newton’s 1st Law
B. Newton’s 2nd Law
C. Newton’s 3rd Law
D. The Law of Inertia

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